MatchMyDeal ID #
Deal Direct Group Transaction #
Deal Direct Group Reference
Date Offer submitted to Deal Direct Group
Expiry date of Offer (if known)
Date Offer issued by Seller/Platform
Title of Offer
Nature of Offer
Nature of Offer (if other)
The position of Person submitting Offer
How many years has the Submitter known the Principal?
What type of Entity is the Principal?
Principal's Name
Name of Principal's Bank
Country of Principal's Bank
Details on Principal
Percentage Submitter is sure of Principal
Has the Submitter talked with the Principal or Authorized Mandate/Representative?
Any other information on the Principal
How confident Submitter is of Principal out of 5
How many brokers between Submitter and the Seller Principal or Authorized Mandate or Representative
Does the Submitter have exclusivity on the Offer?
Has the Submitter circulated the Offer?
Documents required with a submission
Whether a Cease & Desist has been issued to other parties if the Offer has been circulated
Documents available with this Offer
Conference call options
Is there a Proof of Product available if the Offer is a physical product?
Is a currently dated KYC required?
If a Bond/Instrument, is it listed on Euroclear or DTC
Acceptable Buyer Banks for this Offer
Transaction method/s available for the Offer
Other available Transaction methods
BG/SBLC details
Trading Program Details
Trading Program Length
If other, here is more information
This offer accepts these Funds
How the Buyer/Investor can prove funds for this Offer
If other, here is the information
If a Bond/Instrument, this is the location
If the Buyer/Investor passes compliance, are they RWA to proceed immediately?
If an Instrument, what are the Issuing Banks?
If the Offer is a Historical Bond/Asset this is what applies?
If you have interest in the Offer, will you be put through to the Decision Maker for a Call?
Does the Offer have an Upfront Fee?
How much Upfront Fee is required
Any other Offer details
How confident the Submitter is of the Offer from the Seller/Platform
The percentage of Commission the Seller/Funder/Platform is prepared to pay
How will the commissions be secured
The Submitter needs to claim commission on....
More commission information
How many Brokers on the Seller Side
How many Brokers on the Buyer Side
Any other Commission information
Proof of Funds Information
Any further Proof of Funds information
May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023
Monetize Ven Bonds, LTNs, Historical Bonds etc.
Trading Programs
Intermediary for Platform
"I am working directly with A Monetizer who can Monetize Venezuelan Bonds, German Bonds , Brazilian LTN, Chinese Gold Bonds,
MTN's SBLC of any Amount through His Platform in Washington DC.
He is also The Vice President of one of The top Tier PPP Platform in the United States and can Put Client's Funds into Trade with A Bank
Comfort Letter (BCL) without Funds leaving The Client's Account.
He can also assist Client to open an Account in The Trading Platform Bank to be used to raise A BCL (Bank Comfort Letter) for the interested Investor with an MT799 POF Swift without Blocking The Funds before putting Client's Funds to Trade with His Platform.
Funds remains inside Client Account without moving with an Admin Blocking to Trade with The Funds Blocked inside Client's Bank Account which must be 50 Banks in The World.
Let Me know if You have any serious Client seeking a Monetizer for their German Bonds or Venezuelan- Bonds, Brazilian LTN, SBLC or
,MTN's and I can link You directly with The Monetizer in DC for a direct and faster communication.
My Monetizer takes care of my own commission as I am Direct to Him, I am on his side.
I am not part of The 5% of The LTV commission to all intermediaries on the Client side.
Ref: FKWA179523