Present your Offer Or Request to Deal Direct Group in randomized confidentiality.
Your details will only be utilised to progress at a suitable point where there is a match shown in our MATCH MY DEAL database and with your permission and confirmation you wish to progress further with the matched MATCH MY DEAL Offer or Request.
MATCH MY DEAL is a complex Enquiry Form connected to a comprehensive Database of Offers and Requests.
Note your contact details are kept confidential.
There is NO LIMIT to the amount of MATCH MY DEAL Form submissions you can make and your Offer or Request will remain in the MATCH MY DEAL database pending a suitable match being found.
IMPORTANT: All fields marked with a star * MUST be completed.
CHECK YOUR SUBMISSION HAS BEEN ADDED by checking the addition on the relevant MATCH MY DEAL or LATEST DEALS Offer or Request Page
Date of DEAL MATCH Submission Select offers/requests to send to my Inbox
Form Submitter Did anyone refer you directly to Deal Direct Group? We have set guidelines for use of the below Messaging Apps. Please complete our Form at if you want to communicate by these methods
Position of Person Submitting the Form Position of Person Submitting the Form
Principal What type of Entity is the Principal? Have you talked with your Principal or Authorized Mandate/Representative?
Any other information on procedures
How confident are you of the Principal?
*Required Field
(complete ONLY if you are submitting an Offer) What date was the Offer issued by the Seller/Platform? Tell us about Expiry on the Offer Tell us about Expiry on the Offer Do you have exclusivity on the Offer? Do you have exclusivity on the Offer? Has the Offer been circulated? Has the Offer been circulated? IMPORTANT..Tell us if any of the following documents are required with the Document Submission Package
If the Offer has been circulated to other parties, has a C & D been issued to those parties?
Which of these Documents are available?
Conference Call...what is acceptable?
If you are offering a physical product do you have Proof of Product?
Is a currently dated KYC required?
If a Bond/Instrument is it listed on Euroclear?
Preferred transaction method for Bonds/Instruments
If offering a BG/SBLC, please tell us specifically what appliesl
If a Trading Program, what type?
If a Trading Program what is the length?
This Offer accepts what type of funds?
How can the Buyer/Investor prove funds/capability for your Offer?
If the Offer is acceptable and the Client passes compliance, is the Principal RWA to proceed immediately?
If the Offer is a Historical Bond/Asset what applies
If there is interest in your Offer, will you put us through to the key decision maker for a call? If there is interest in your Offer, will you put us through to the key decision maker for a call? Does your Offer have any type of upfront fee?
Deal Links + Any other information on procedures
How confident are you of the Offer from the Seller/Platform?
(complete ONLY if you are submitting a Request) What date was the Request made by the Buyer/Investor? Is the Principal 'shopping around' for the best offer/price? Is the Principal 'shopping around' for the best offer/price? If the Request is a Historical Bond/Asset what applies
If the Principal is Buying or Trading, please tell us about their funds If the Principal is Buying or Trading, please tell us about their funds Can the Principal prove the origin of their Funds? Can the Principal prove the origin of their Funds? Is this a Request to Import/Export Goods?
Has the Requst been refused by another Seller or Platform previously?
What is the position on Conference Calls? What is the position on Conference Calls? If a Trading Program is requested, what type is required? If a Trading Program is requested, what type is required? Do you have a currently dated KYC? Do you have a currently dated KYC? Is there a currently dated POF available i.e. BCL/Tear Sheet etc,
Is Buyer/Investor using their Own Funds or a Credit Line? Is Buyer/Investor using their ownFunds or a Credit Line? What is your Principal's position on procedures? What is your Principal's position on procedures? Tell us what type of procedures te Buyer/Investor would consider
Would the Principal consider an Offer with Escrow in the procedure?
Any other information on procedures
If purchasing an Instrument, please tell us which applies
Which of the following UPFRONT FEES would the Client consider?
How else can the Principal prove their Funds? How else can the Principal prove their Funds? Can the Client's Bank do a BPU? Can the Client's Bank do a BPU? What can the Client provide?
How long after an Offer is proposed will your Principal respond? How long after an Offer is proposed will your Principal respond?
How did you get this Request? How did you get this Request? If we get the requested Procedures and Pricing agreed by a Seller/Provider, is your Client ready to proceed immediately?
How confident are you of the Request from the Buyer?
(Tell us about Commissions for your Offer or Request) How will the commission be secured? How will the commission be secured? I need to claim commission on..... I need to claim commission on..... Tell us more about commission Tell us more about commission
Proof of Funds
(Tell us about Proof of Funds) Other Proof of Funds Information
I accept the Deal Direct GroupLtd. Terms & Conditions at the base of the webpage
Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch if we have a Match.