Welcome to the Deal Direct Group Ltd. website.
We specialize in working to introduce Principals DIRECT to conclude transactions in a wide range of high volume transactions utilising ours and member connections plus our unique due diligence methods to bring Principals credible sources with whom to transact legally.
We work transparently with integrity.
We have many DIRECT connections ourselves built up over many years.
If you are thinking of bringing scams, fraudulent deals or anything illegal, not being transparent or honest, trying to circumvent or not having integrity, make suggestions of any legal involvement or complicity with any of our sources where it is not expressly notified upfront by our company of any formal legal involvement with a said connection , then we will immediately block you from being a member, will have no further dealings or communication with you with immediate effect and take any further action as necessary. Due to the high level of scams in the market-place we deal with nothing which requires upfront fees of any kind, so any offers of such nature will not receive a response from us. We do our best to conduct due diligence with available resources.
That being said we otherwise look forward to working with professional persons of high integrity for mutually beneficial outcomes.
We now, at our sole discretion, require unknown Offers and Requests submitted to complete our Due Diligence process. This comprises THREE stages which benefits all by filtering real and serious offers and requests and not wasting time. Just click 'click here to submit' on the below button if you have an offer or request which will start the process to find a match. In the event that we know a source very well then this may not be required to be completed on each side and will be considered on a case by case basis.
Latest Offers/Requests
Note: All new deals on our Whatsapp Groups will be given our own DDG DD scores to assist in your review. The Deals will be a selection of Deals in the marketplace for informational purposes only. For specific requests we may have other options available too.
Click the Whatsapp logo above if you want to see our very latest Offers & Requests, as they are received, via our NEW Whatsapp Channel & Groups.
Hover your mouse over the feed below to stop and read the info.
To copy any information, right-click on the feed and select 'Open in Reading Mode' and then you will be able to copy the text.
DDG Due Diligence Scores we use on our Offers & Requests
Level 1 DDG1
Deal likely recently received and has had NO DUE DILIGENCE completed on it to date, however the level could change subject to further DD and does not constitute a poor offer or request
Level 2 DDG2
Initial basic compliance completed on the source via DD Forms or by other means
Level 3 DDG3
Full Compliance Forms completed or are comfortable with the request from a regular connection and we have confirmed we have direct access to the Principal or Authorized Mandate/Representative
Level 4 DDG4
Proven known source with Principal confirmed previous performance credentials, direct contact/access to the Principal
Click the graphic below to place an 'Easy Submit' Offer or Request. These submissions are viewed more favourably!
Join our brand new Facebook Group which offers all the features to share Offers and Requests transparently and to join appropriate Groups and Chats within the Facebook Group Platform. Click the Facebook logo to request to join the Group.
The MULTIPLE ways you can work with Deal Direct Group
You now have the opportunity of sharing in every deal in the Deal$hare environment for a very minimal cost. Just go here to get started
Want to become a formal Partner with Deal Direct Group on an Investment basis? Get more more info here
If you are a Broker/Intermediary and are prepared to allow direct contact with your Principals then this is a good option for you to get Principals engaged to progress a transaction. Click here for more info
Mailing List
Get Offers and Requests etc. sent direct to your Inbox as they are received. Just click here and sign up at the yellow box
This is for Principal to Principal contact only and further info is available by clicking this link
Micro JV
Participate in low cost projects on a JV basis with Deal Direct Group. Projects from $500. More info go here
You can just act independantly and liaise with us via the Due Diligence Request Forms or via the connection options below. Note: The Online Forms will get a better response from us
Site Member
This allows you to access all areas of the website apart from Partner Offers/Requests. Go to Login/Sign Up at top of page
Deals Direct
Get deals DIRECT to your Desktop by signing up here
Virtual Office
We use the well known Spot for our Virtual Office. Contact us to ask how you can join for a low cost with these communication channels
This is a well used App for communication and we use it for chat and ONLY pre-arranged calls. Contact us to find out how to connect via this method.
Just Direct
The ultimate in Deal Direct Group interaction and potential in transaction closure. Click here for all information .
We have our own MULTIPLE DIRECT connections collected over many years
We introduce Buyers of high volume products via our direct connections or from Offers from our due diligence process
We introduce Sellers of high volume products via our direct connections or from Request from our due diligence process
We have multiple sources for Asset Enhancement/Programs
(not available in NZ)
We have multiple funding sources internationally (not available in NZ)
After receiving our due diligence forms we will match Offers & Requests
We will negotiate fees and payment to be made under ONE Paymaster
Our goal is to professionalise the means of doing business in these high volume areas.
Brokers can play an important part in introducing Principals, however they can also be a hinderance in closing transactions.
Without Principals or their legal Representatives being placed together there is very little chance of a closed transaction.
Brokers will be covered under ONE Paymaster to make it all simple and then they must stand aside for Principals.
By using our exclusive comprehensive Online Due Diligence Forms, these will pre-qualify offers, requests and Clients and will save a lot of wasted time for all parties concerned.
These Online Forms are deliberately designed to be quick mainly drop box answers which can be completed in a few minutes to ascertain if there is a match for the offer or request.
Once there is a potential match and pricing/procedures have been agreed upon then we will bring the Principal Parties together in our Virtual Office complex or our Slack channel so all parties can see face to face with whom they are dealing and can ask appropriate due diligence questions directly.
T: + 1 972 200 3622 (USA)
T: + 64 3 667 1553 option 1 (NZ)
E: info@dealdirectgroup.com (general emails)
E: offer@dealdirectgroup.com (for offers)
E: request@dealdirectgroup.com (for requests)
E: interest@dealdirectgroup.com (for showing interest in a transaction)
E: Secure Encrypted email: dealdirectgroup@protonmail.com
Direct secure encrypted file upload direct to our Sync server :
Reg'd Office: 1/58 Langdons Road, Christchurch, New Zealand